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Pacific Transit
 Raymond-South Bend area (360) 875-9418
Peninsula area (360) 642-9418
Naselle area (360) 484-7418
Telecomm. Relay Service 1-800-833-6384
General Manager Michael Wagner

Contact Us by Phone

M-F 7am-7pm

Sat 9am-5pm

360-875-9418 / 360-642-9418



Purchase In person/ Raymond office:

In person hours:

216 Second Street

M-F 8am- 5pm


Purchase in person/ Seaview Facility:

2750 Pacific Way

Last Friday of every month

10am - 1pm

Find Your Bus

Our vehicles have GPS!

GPS Ride Finder

Our Service Area

Holiday Closures

Pacific Transit does not operate on the following Holidays:                                                       

  • Memorial Day .......................... May 26
  • Juneteenth ............................... June 19
  • Independence Day ..................... July 4
  • Labor Day ................................ Sept.1
  • Thanksgiving ........................... Nov. 27
  • Christmas ................................ Dec. 25
  • New Year's Day ................... Jan. 1, 2026


Social Media

FLOOD ALERT: Raymond/South Bend- In the event of a high tide or rain causing flooding in the Fowler St/Ocean Ave area, neighborhood routes for both Raymond and South Bend could be delayed 1-3 hours depending on the severity of the event.

WINTER WEATHER ALERT: In the event of snow/hail/ice in the Raymond - South Bend and Peninsula areas, routes may be subject to delay or cancelations depending upon the severity of weather.

Title VI Notice

Pacific Transit ensures that no person shall be discriminated on the grounds of race, color, or national origin as stated in the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Any person who feels they have been discriminated against may file a complaint.

Aviso del Título VI
 Pacific Transit garantiza que ninguna persona será discriminada por motivos de raza, color u origen nacional como se establece en el Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964. Cualquier persona que sienta que ha sido discriminada puede presentar una queja.

Public Record Requests

For a public record request, complete the Public Record Request Form and either return by fax to 360-942-3193, or by mail to Pacific Transit System, Public Records Officer, PO Box 489, Raymond, WA 98577
[ Public Records Request Form ] Fees for requested documents are based on the following adopted: Fee Charges Public Request.
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